once a month, kelly simants of sweet pea events organizes a gathering of some of the funnest party people in the dfw metroplex. she calls it thursday therapy. i call it an excuse to drink on the company dime. 😉 this month, it took place in uptown at dish restaurant and lounge. kelly asked me to bring my camera to snap a few shots so i took the opportunity to try a little something different i call “slow motion.” (you camera geeks can probably figure it out)
cesar of cesar and tanya.
the woman herself: kelly simants, wedding and event planner extraordinaire. i bet she was trying to say something really exciting!
ryan li and tanya of cesar and tanya. good friends.
some new and old friends. and kelly.
kevin jairaj and recent texas transplant, alycia alvarez.
recently engaged photograbride (yes, i just made it up), stacy reeves. and introducing, drew jones. contact drew if you need a suit. seriously. (these two aren’t engaged in case you’re wondering)
from here on, i don’t remember everyone. sorry! (but, if you see this, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment with your contact info…and which image you are.)
i believe these two were aggies. boo. hiss. jaykay.
cesar, jeff, ryan, hiram, and nancy (hiram’s wife).
lastly, check the blog post kelly wrote that explains why these get togethers have been so useful and fun! if you’re in dfw and you’re a wedding or event professional, you’re gonna wanna check this out. 🙂
P.S. If you want to use any of these photos for your facebook, myspace, linkedin, match, or eharmony profile, you can download them here. 🙂 Additionally, if you want real headshots, you can always email me. 😉