Happy Holidays from Table4!


First, let me apologize for the lack of blog updates! These last few months been filled with so many weddings, engagements, and traveling that I’ve had to unfortunately neglect my poor little blog. BUT, I’ve got a tiiiinny little window of free time in January and I promise to get my blog caught up in no time!! P.S. I’ve got stuff from AUGUST I haven’t blogged yet (…is it really already December?)

Secondly, I wanted to take a moment and thank all my clients from 2010 for being such an incredible blessing to my company and my life. You guys are truly the reason I love my job so dang much. Thank you for laughing with each other, being intimate with each other, and most importantly, for allowing me to photograph every little detail and nuance of your relationship.

Thirdly, I’d like to thank my support system: family and friends who continually support me throughout the last 3+ years. Your words, comments, likes, and encouragement (small and big!) have sustained me and continue to be the foundation I depend on to pursue my passion with such desire.

Lastly, Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you’re fortunate enough to spend it with the people you love and remember the blessings in your life. Cheers to 2011!