Hey party people! We’re gonna take a quick pause to talk about some fun happenings from today!
This past Sunday, October 26, 2008, Carnival Cruise Lines set out to break the Guiness world record for the largest beach ball ever. It had to made of standard beach ball material and be at least 10 meters in diameter. Needless to say, not only did Carnival deliver 1 gigantoball, but THREE gigantoballs all along Elm street. After dropping the first ball in downtown Dallas, they let onlookers bounce it around a few times before it settled. TV crews were on hand for a commercial being made as well as local news covering the event. I stopped by en route to an engagement shoot only to find that we missed the ball drop by about 15 minutes!!!! HOWEVER, I did get under the ball and snap a few shots of the pure big kid fun! Man, we need more stuff like this! Definitely the most fun I’ve had since birth.
I heard Philly is getting the largest pinata ever, containing 8000lbs of candy, next week! Go check it out!